
Hi! I’m OSC1228. I started this blog during the COVID-19 quarantine. Its purpose is to help me stay sane. I’m quite interested in politics, cooking, and vexillography (the making of flags). I currently live in Brooklyn, New York. I usually spend my summers in Paros, Greece.

I’m currently working on a hypothetical country called the Invicta Republic, whose site is coming soon. In the past, I also created the short-lived Municipality of Eleftheria and New York City Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. October 2020 Update: I’m currently trying to get the members of the Invicta Republic to actually do things so that it doesn’t fall apart.

I’m now a flag collector, and I’m saving to get more flags. So far, I’ve collected a Bennington Flag, a Grand Union Flag, and I have an American flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol.