We Can All Make a Difference: My Response to the Murder of George Floyd

This week, a Black man was killed by police for no reason. I am horrified.

As a White person who participates in the United States’ racist system, I don’t need to care about this, and it doesn’t negatively affect my life.

This also horrifies me. 

I can get almost everything I want. When I walk by a police officer on the street, I don’t think or worry about being murdered. I will never have to worry about that. I don’t know what it feels like to worry about that. I don’t know how the people whose lives were greatly affected by the death of George Floyd feel, but I want to try to make a difference. 

Last night, me and my family made drawings and posters to show our support. You can see them in the post below.

To my fellow New Yorkers, White and Black, please try to make a difference. Draw a sign, write on the sidewalk, go to a protest, just please do something.

I know that none of this can change what the people of my race did in the past. Nothing can. 

But we can change the present.

Rest in peace, George Floyd.


Above: Posters that me and my family made last night to show support and solidarity to the Black Lives Matter movement. This post goes along with the text post. Click on the photos to see them in a larger size.